About Us
Kurt Schubert GmbH can look back on 50 years of company history. The company has two locations, the headquarters in Rietberg and a second plant in Vlotho. This means that we have around 25,000m² at our disposal. About 10,000m² are reserved for production alone and can safely store around 3,000 tons of paper safely.
The company employs over 20 people who contribute to the company's success with their knowledge and commitment.
Our machines are very variable and large, which enables us to realize a wide range of production processes.
For our paper division we have 4 roll saws, 4 rewinders, 4 cross cutters and an impregnating machine avaiable to us.
For our glue production, we have a large powder mixer, a liquid glue mixer, as well as a laboratory with a press, a universal measuring machine for tensile, bending and splitting strength, a climatic chamber, steam and cooking baths, as well as various other measuring facilities (Cobb, Gurely, viscosity, etc.).
We now deliver worldwide! Among others we deliver to Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA.
We have many possibilities and services at our disposal.
With us you can find paper, pre-impregnates and many other technical papers can be found.